Publicerade artiklar

Hemberg E. Blododling och trachealsköljning som diagnosmetoder vid fölpneumoni. Svensk Veterinärtidning, 1991, vol 43, 5 203-205. 

Hemberg E, Lundeheim N, Einarsson S. Fruktsamheten hos fullblodsston vid ett svenskt stuteri. Svensk Veterinärtidning, 2003, 6 11-18. 

Hemberg E, Lundeheim N, Einarsson S. Reproductive Performance of Thoroughbred Mares in Sweden. Reprod Dom Anim, 2004, 39 81-85. 

Hemberg E, Lundeheim N, Einarsson S. Retrospective study on vulvar conformation in relation to endometrial cytology and fertility in thoroughbred mares. J Vet Med A, 2005, 52 474-477. 

Hemberg E, Lundeheim N, Einarsson S. Successful timing of ovulation using Deslorin (Ovuplant) is labour-saving in mares aimed for single AI with frozen semen. Reprod Dom Anim, 2006, 41 535-537. 

Hemberg E, Kindahl H, Lundeheim N, Einarsson S. Relationships between early foal health, future performance and their dams reproductive health. Reprod Dom Anim, 2010 Oct;45(5):817-20.

Hemberg E, Einarsson S, Jones B, Mikko S. The origine of amniotic Polymorphonuclear Leucocytes in the mare. Reprod Dom Anim, 2013, Dec 48(6):88-9.


E. Hemberg, S. Einarsson, G. Kutvölgyi et al. Occurrence of bacteria and polymorphonuclear leukocytes in fetal compartments at parturition; relationships with foal and mare health in the peripartum period. Theriogenology, 2015, July, Vol 84 (1):163-169.

E Hemberg, A Niazi, Y Gul, V J Debnár,  B Vincze, J Morrell, G Kútvölgyi. Microbial Profiling of Amniotic Fluid, Umbilical Blood and Placenta of the Foaling Mare. Animals, 2023, 13, 2029.